Dietary Services | Cafeteria | HNJH
Tuesday, December 03, 2024  | Search
Dietary Services
Dietary Services

HNJH Cafeteria

The HNJH Dietary Services Department works toward improving the health status of our patients, hospital staff, and those community members who choose to dine with us, by providing nutritionally sound, appetizing meals. We also offer nutrition education to those we serve.
In addition to serving the needs of the hospital patients and Golden Leaves Living Center (long-term care) residents, the Dietary Services Department maintains a self-serve cafeteria for use by Hospital staff, guests, and visitors. Upon request, guest trays will be provided to persons visiting patients (for a nominal fee).
Many special meals are prepared and provided for meetings and events that take place at the Hospital.
Nutritional counseling is available for all inpatients as requested by the physician, while outpatient diet consults are available by appointment.

       Click below to view a sample menu. 


Inpatient Meal Services
6:00am - 6:00pm

Cafeteria Hours (weekdays) 
   Breakfast 7:30am - 9:00am
   Lunch 10:30am - 1:30pm
   Dinner 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Contact Us
Dietary Services Director
Suetta Hollinger, RD

Dietary Supervisor
Kathleen Sawaski