Coumadin Clinic


Specialist Schedule


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Helping You Manage Your Medication

As part of Helen Newberry Joy Hospital’s commitment to the health and well-being of our patients, we have a well established, on-site anticoagulation clinic.  Conveniently located in the Hospital, patients who take anticoagulation medications have easy access to Pharmacist-managed support and monitoring of their medications such as Coumadin (Warfarin).

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Coumadin Clinic?

A Coumadin – or anticoagulation – Clinic is a simple and convenient way to monitor anticoagulant medications which are used to help prevent blood clots.  Patients taking anticoagulants need to be aware of the potential for very serious side-effects that can occur if their medication is not properly monitored and managed.

For the health and safety of our anticoagulant patients, our Clinical Pharmacists provide thorough medical management and supervision.  Through physician referral, they provide regular blood testing to monitor and adjust each patient’s medication dosage as necessary. 
Our Pharmacists also provide complete medication reviews and patient education regarding any interactions the anticoagulation medication may have with other prescribed medications, over-the-counter medications, herbal remedies, and specific food items.  They will also provide education for staying safe while on anticoagulants (such as personal injury, bruising, headache, stomachache, etc.).

Follow-up appointments are scheduled before you leave your visit.  If for any reason you miss an appointment, our Pharmacists will call immediately to get you back on your routine schedule.

What are the Benefits of Participating in the HNJH Coumadin Clinic?

Patients benefit from participating in the Helen Newberry Joy Hospital Coumadin Clinic in a number of ways, including: 
  • Convenience – blood test, evaluation of results and dosage adjustment all within a short visit of thirty minutes or less;
  • Privacy – one-on-one appointments between the patient and the Pharmacist;
  • Individual and precise medication monitoring and management;
  • Increased access to education and support;
  • Specific, easy to read instructions including visit information and adjusted dosage chart per visit
  • Decreased risk of potential life-threatening complications.

How Does a Coumadin Clinic Work?

Anyone taking Coumadin (Warfarin) is eligible to participate in the HNJH Coumadin Clinic.  Patients must be referred by their primary healthcare provider.

As a patient, routine private appointments are scheduled.  The Pharmacist will take a drop of your blood (by finger stick) and analyze your PT/INR (Protrombin Time/International Normalized Ratio) while you wait.  Results will be reviewed with you immediately and any appropriate adjustments needed to your medication dosage will be prescribed.

Coumadin Clinic

For the convenience of our patients, the Coumadin Clinic is open from 9:00am – 3:00pm every day – including weekends and holidays.  For additional information, please contact Mark Fischer, PharmD by calling the HNJH Pharmacy at 906.293.9221.


Daily: 9:00am to 3:00pm
(including weekends and holidays)

Contact our Pharmacist

Mark Fischer, PharmD