Sports Screening Forms


Specialist Schedule


BIll Pay

download the MHSAA sports physical form below.

Visit With Healthcare Provider

Well Child


Annual Physical / Systems Review (Used as screening device to uncover or diagnose any present illness or disease and to assess sports readiness.)
-skin (rashes, hives, -moles, hair)
-eyes (vision)
-ears (hearing)
-nose (sinuses)
-throat, mouth, teeth
-cardio-respiratory (hearts, lungs)
-stomach/intestines (nausea, vommiting, stools)
-neuromuscular reflexes
-endocrine system (throats, glands)
-general weight ( fatigue, pubesence)

*complete review

*review limited to only joints, muscles, hearts, lungs, height, weight.
Annual developmental & Risk Assessments
(i.e., ages and stages questionaire)
Parent & Child-Appropriate Education Regarding Health & safety Issues
(i.e., helmet & protective gear, injury prevention.)
Parent & Child-Appropriate Education Regarding Nutrition & Physical Fitness
Growth & development tracking
(i.e., height, weight, BMI on growth chart.)
Behavioral & emotional Concerns Guidance
(as applicable)
Education & Learning Concerns Guidance
(as applicable)
Tobacco Use Screening
Depression Screening
Vision Screening
Cholesterol Screening
(if at risk)
Immunization Assessment
Length of Visit30-45 Mins15 Mins